Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tomatoes 2012 Day 1

Left side (top to bottom):

  1. Beefmaster Hybrid 80 days, VFNASt, 16-32 oz
  2. Carmello 75 days, VFNT, 5-7 oz (supposed to be very productive)
  3. Park's Beefy Boy 70 days (from transplant), VFFTSt 12-18 oz
  4. Super Beefsteak 80 days, VFN, 16 oz (open pollinated?)

Right side (top to bottom):

  1. Pink Brandymaster F1 Hybrid, 80 days, VF, 10 oz (potato leafed)
  2. Marianna's Peace 85 days, , 10-16-32 oz pink (potato leafed)
  3. Yellow Brandywine 90 days, , 16 oz  (potato leafed)
  4. Sunsugar 62 days, FT, 1/2 oz
  5. Grape 65 days, Late Blight resistant, 1/2 oz
I usually plant the tomatoes on tax day weekend.  This year there was a lot of rain in the weekdays before the weekend and I delayed planting until Sunday because the Sat night low temperature predictions ranged from 45F-48F. 

Redug the bed last year.  This year just added 1/2 Box of E.B Stone's Tomato and Vegetable Food and 1 Bag (2 cu feet) havest supreme soil admendment before planting.

April 30 (two weeks) photo:

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